Call of duty cold war gameplay fr
Call of duty cold war gameplay fr

Should the game drag, a single neutral objective will act as the tie breaker. The objective is to gain territory and capture three points in the enemy lines, although the defence can push back. In similar fashion to previous Ground War modes, the objective will be to force the enemy team back and capture objectives on the way.

call of duty cold war gameplay fr

This game mode will see two teams of 12 push forward to capture objectives that will gradually see you surge into enemy territory. Cold War Multiplayer Game Modes - Combined Arms: AssaultĪnother Black Ops Cold War game mode that is brand-new to the franchise is Combined Arms: Assault.

call of duty cold war gameplay fr

Capturing the objective will mean the VIP will win, kill the VIP and the defending side will be victorious. You will have to rely on your teammates to lead the way to one of two sites, and fend off any defenders or flanking enemies.

call of duty cold war gameplay fr

One player will be randomly assigned as the VIP, and will be limited to just a pistol. In this brand-new game mode, the objective is simple: escort your VIP to the exfil site.

  • Read More - Warzone Update Adds Private Battle Royale MatchesĬold War Multiplayer Game Modes - VIP Escort.

  • Call of duty cold war gameplay fr